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Stand Point

People of Niagara Falls, this is the time to work as one. We need to start thinking of each other. It seems that the city is focusing too much time towards the tourism sector. I feel in order to succeed as one we need to equalize the tourism industry with benefits for the people of Niagara Falls.

Although the city claims to be building downtown in view of our citizens, they are neglecting one of the most valuable demands required. Niagara Falls has no guarantee of jobs; the majority of them are seasonal. My vision is to have a mix culture of work. Have tourism with light industry and manufacturing and expand the companies we have.

I have spoken to many people at city hall and have come to learn that should any disaster cripple our tourism industry, we wouldn’t have any contingency plans to keep our economy flourishing. Don’t get me wrong, the Falls are a priceless resource; however we need economic security for the people and be prepared for any disasters.

It’s time to maintain our infrastructure; we need to fix our roads and eliminate the many pot holes, sewers need to be updated, and much more.

It’s time for the people of Niagara Falls to stand as one and demand better health care. In my opinion I feel it’s time to dissolve members on the hospital board. They are neglecting the people of Niagara Falls by removing essential components, sending them to St. Catharine’s. In the city of Niagara Falls with the millions of tourists we get each year we should have the best hospital that money can buy. We need to educate our kids and encourage them to strive for a professional career. The future of this city is in their hands.
